Monday, November 8, 2010

Cascadiadam is born

The time has come to dip a toe into the waters of the blogesphere. Hopefully it won't be as cold as a 12 minute lower body soak in a glacial river after a 50 mile trail run. So far, so good. This blog is going to be my venue to bring together thoughts about running and mountain adventures and present them to a wider audience. I also enjoy reading other people's race reports and feel it is my turn to give that pleasure back to others. Plus! I want to highlight my favorite running gear, shoes and nutrition. This blog will also serve as a repository for my myriad odd thoughts, funny anecdotes and a trail mix of training routes and ideas. With all that in store, how could you not be excited to read "Cascadiadam, the Blog".
ps- The name is a double entendre ; first, I reside in the Cascade region of the Great NW, second, my favorite running shoe is the Brooks Cascadia Trail Shoe... Voila! I will now save, post, publish, panic, repost, go postal, preview, review, rearview, great view.

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